Monday, September 20, 2010

Two Quilt Exhibits and Thoughts on How to See Them

I had an enlightening conversation with Gretchen about visiting a quilt show after she had gone with Craig to the Israeli Quilt Exhibit last week. “You only need 10 minutes”, she said. Sometimes I feel like I should block out a longer period of time and that keeps me from going. I appreciated the advice and thought it might be a good thing to pass along to the group.

We have two quilt shows that we could try out Gretchen’s theory out on:

· Israeli Quilt Exhibit, Park City Utah

Temple Har Shalom

3700N. Brookside Court, Park City UT

Across from St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Rt. 224

(435) 649-2276

If you would like to read an article about this show, check this one from the Tribune.

2520 Walker Lane

Salt Lake City, UT

10 AM to 5 PM

September 25

$5 at the door- all proceeds go to The Road Home

If you would like to read an article about this show, check this one from the Deseret News.

How do you like to see a quilt show?

- Cristie

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Our new blog

Hi QQQ's,
Welcome to our new blog!  This will be the spot to come during the month to keep updated with your fellow QQQ's until the next meeting.  For those of you who may not be familiar with the blogging world, just click on the Follow button on the sidebar to get new posts.  We will be posting announcements as well as useful links and other information here.  This will not be our only form of communication but hopefully it will be fun as well as a source of information.  It's still under contstruction so "pardon the mess" until we're really up and running.
Friday Night
 We are just home from our annual retreat at Gretchen's cabin.  It was a great way to start off our year.  Cristie made a photo collage which you can see at the bottom of the blog.  Blogger was not cooperating well so more photos will be uploaded when it quits it's tantrum.

We ate some wonderful food, worked on our projects, shared, made plans for the upcoming year, and laughed.....a lot.  Gretchen, ever the great hostess, made sure that we all had a great time.  If you weren't able to come, know that you were missed.

Many members had expressed the desire to vote upon rules for adding new members, controlling the size of the group, and dues, etc. and by-laws were voted upon and passed by majority. 
The new by-laws are:
  1. Annual dues will be $10.00, and must be remitted to the treasurer (Laurie Little) no later than September 30th to hold a membership spot in QQQ's for the upcoming year.
  2. Number of members will be 20 which is a reasonable number of bodies to fit comfortably in classrooms. 
  3. If there are open spots because of unpaid dues after September 30th, new members may be nominated by another member for consideration of membership. 
  4. Proposed members must be presented to and voted upon by the group at large before an invitation to join QQQ's is issued.
  5. Members may not bring guests to regular monthly meetings but may invite guests to certain events, such as field trips or special presentations.  These will be announced in advance. 
  6. No children under 18 will be allowed at any QQQ activity. 
  7. These by-laws nay be revised by a majority vote of the membership, should they need correction or adjustments in the future. 
To retain your membership please mail $10.00 to: 
*Remember September 30th is the deadline to hold your spot.  We look forward to our current members joining us again this year. Please advise Laurie of changes to your personal information (phone number, address, and e-mail) so that she will have accurate information for the new rosters.   Rosters and calendars will be handed out at the November meeting.
Laurie Little, 1764 Laird Ave., Salt Lake City, UT 84108. 
  • We will meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at Elaine's Quilt Block, 6970 South 3000 East, and will be starting the meetings right at 10:00 a.m.
  • We will continue to have show-and-tell of completed projects. 
  • At the beginning of each monthly meeting we will have two 3-minute spots presented by two separate members, which we are calling TIPS OR TOOLS and QUILT SHARE.  One member will present a 3-minute review of a quilting tool/or a quilting tip.  The other member will present a 3-minute presentation of a quilt (not their own personal project).  The quilt may an antique or a family heirloom and the presenter should share the history of the quilt an/or maker and speak about it's fabric, pattern and age.  These spots should not require extensive preparation and must be kept to the 3-minute limit.  After the meeting ends, members could look at the presented items in detail if they wish.  Sign-ups for these two monthly events will be done at the November meeting, so please be thinking about how and when you would like to contribute.
Please remember that the Annual Quilt Fest will be the first week of October at the Zermott resort (we hope you are attending; you should have already been making plans for this) so our first QQQ group meeting will not be until November 2nd at Elaine's at 10:00 am sharp.  Sidney Haglund (Jeanne's sister-in-law) will be our guest speaker, and she is bringing a trunk show.  This is an event that you might wish to invite a guest to attend, and you will not want to miss this meeting.  We will start right at 10:00 a.m.

Our December meeting will be for members only and will be the annual Holiday Brunch, which Tracie has generously offered to host at her home this year.  We'll talk more about it in November.

If you have any questions about QQQ's, you may contact Bonnie 801-582-5144 or @, or Laurie (about dues or with personal information changes) 801-582-0441 or @

We're looking forward to the upcoming year and to quilting with all of you again.  We have some great activities planned and hope you will be participating with us.  See you on November 2nd at Elaine's or at Quilt Fest in October.
  • We welcome all QQQ's who'd like to contribute to this blog.  Contact Bonnie if you'd like to be added as an author. You may post any quilting related articles, photos, or tutorials.  For those of you who wish to share your non-quilting blogs with the group (such as your own personal blog), e-mail your blog link to Bonnie and she will add it to the sidebar.  However, please be aware that this blog is open for anyone to read.  We will also be adding links on the side-bar to other quilting blogs.